Jun 22, 2014

Interview Robosoft Technologies

Preliminary Test

There were three set of question papers like A, B, C. My question paper had the following question.

1.Write a C/C++ program that will read a string of any length into variable S and modify to replace digits into respective alphabets and store into new variable P.
Input: bangalore13a
Output: bangalore0nethreea

Sol: Use dynamic memory management, as it is an array better go for calloc();

2. Write a C/C++ program that will read two strings of any length P, S and out puts the string T which will have the string P and the non-repeated characters among P and S.
S: Bangalore
P: Mangalore
T: BangaloreM

Technical Interview (c, c++, data structure, other core subjects)

1.Interviewer verified the program once again that I had already wrote for the preliminary and questions upon that.
2.Modifications to the program according to interviewer wish.
3.What are the two types of memory allocation what is the difference between them.
4.What is the difference between malloc() and calloc()
5.Write the syntax of malloc, calloc and realloc
6.Write a statement to reallocate the memory of some existing allocated memory.
7.What is static variable in c and c++.
8.What is the use of static variable and how can we modify it? Write some statements to modify it.
9.What is constructer what are its properties?

10.What is virtual function what is the use of virtual function?
11.Write a class cricket that should include team name and name of 11 players, make use of constructors.
12.Show the implementation of linked list.
13.What is the difference between function over riding function over loading.
14.There is a buffer and its size is unknown and the content size which is present in the buffer is also unknown. The size of the content doubles every iteration, and buffer gets filled at 73rd iteration. So at what iteration buffer gets filled 12.5%.

Solution Link: Buffer problem
15.Reversing the string (in java, C++, or C).
16.Input is the string of any length which contains letter ‘a’ output is the modified sting with the replacement of ‘a’ with successive ‘*’.
Input: rajashekara
Output: r*j**shek***r****


H R round

1.Where are you from? what is your father, mother?
2.Questions on the hobbies that I had written on the Resume
(You write blogs when you last updated it? You watch science fiction movies can you name few sci-fi movies? Which are the social networking sites you use? You edit Wikipedia in which are the area you edit give me some example)
3.She asked about my semester marks? (I did not remember)
4.List five recently introduced software or hardware.
5.Your  education background
6.Why you want to join robosoft?   
7.Why we want to hire you? (I said something the she asked ‘Are those qualities you poses’? I replayed positively.)
8.Were you among the top ten students in your class?
9.What you know about our company?
10.Are you aware of the terms and conditions of our company? Are you willing to join?

Hints from my point of view:

1.    Keep smiling like this  not always 
2.    have some initial preparation
3.    Be positive be truthful as much as you can.
4.    Have an image in your mind as being got selected. Then everything works fine.
5.    Never mind if not this company you will have other or you can start your own  not joking.
6.    Just be grateful to God. Ask nothing, He knows what is best for us.
Thank you.


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